View ToolDarktrace uses AI to detect and respond to cyber threats in real-time, offering autonomous threat detection and response capabilities.
Darktrace leverages unsupervised machine learning to understand the “pattern of life” for users, devices, and networks within an organization. This AI model allows Darktrace to identify deviations in behavior that may indicate a potential security threat, even without predefined rules. Its advanced capabilities mean that it can detect both known and unknown threats across a range of environments including on-premises, in the cloud, and across hybrid infrastructures.
What sets Darktrace apart is its ability to act autonomously. Once it identifies a potential threat, Darktrace can initiate a response on its own, neutralizing the threat before it spreads. By providing continuous learning through its AI system, Darktrace evolves with each detected attack, improving its predictive capabilities over time. This reduces the need for manual intervention, ensuring a faster, more effective response to emerging threats, and greatly enhancing an organization’s overall cybersecurity posture.